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2 different methods to take juice out from fruits( ๒ วิธีในการคั้นนำ้ผลไม้)

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L54- 2 different methods to take juice out from fruits( ๒ วิธีในการคั้นนำ้ผลไม้) -Nunthana `s healthy Thai food. Nowaday we have 2 method to take juice out from fruit.-By machine and by hand.In former time we use only with by hand.I want to show you how it works.And it is very important to know about pomegranate;pomegranate contains a variety of chemicals that might have antioxidant effects. Some preliminary research suggests that chemicals in pomegranate juice might slow the progression of atherosclerosis,rich of vitamin and mineral,cancer prevention,Alzeimer`s disease protection, help your digestion,anti-inflammation,prevent heart disease,help your memory,make low blood pressure,antiviral,,sexual performance,diabetic disease prevention...
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